Thursday, December 3, 2015

Top 10 Cause Of Death - Malaysia

deathSo here’s to Malaysians, deciding en masse, to take to hot air balloons and plunging to the ground in pretty spirals; to tackle high-key karaoke favourites with massive bowel-rupturing gusto; and to tweet the most unflattering selfies (and dying from embarrassment). Because dying from wasting diseases is so 2014. (Is it too early to talk about auto-erotic asphyxiation?).

Top 10 causes of death in Malaysia (for now)
  1. Coronary heart disease. Risk factors: Smoking (surprise, surprise), high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol, diabetes, lack of exercise, obesity.
  2. Stroke. Risk factors: Smoking (we meet again…), high blood pressure, advanced age, a family history of strokes, diabetes, lack of exercise.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema). Risk factors: Smoking (working overtime here), genetics, infection.
  4. Road traffic accidents. Risk factor: Being anywhere near a moving vehicle (Kancils excepted).
  5. Cancer (most common: breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, nasopharyngeal). Risk factors: Being alive.
  6. Diabetes. Risk factors: Type 1 – family history; Type 2 – obesity, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, advanced age.
  7. Hypertension. Risk factors: Smoking (haters gonna hate!), obesity, lack of exercise, excessive sodium in diet, alcoholism, stress.
  8. Kidney failure. Risk factors: Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, smoking, obesity, cancer
  9. Liver failure. Risk factors: Cirrhosis, diabetes, alcoholism, obesity, cancer.
  10. Infectious and parasitic diseases (hepatitis A, hepatitis E, tuberculosis, influenza, malaria). Risk factors: Being around other living things.

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