Life insurance agent (Unit Manager and Agency Manager) are representative of life insurer. This is clearly defined in the life insurance agent (and agency) agreement between life insurer and agent (Unit Manager & Agency Manager). Life insurance agents are representative of life insurer (principal).
Life insurer prefers to classified life insurance agents as businessman. The most common tagline when recriting new agent is, "Businessman - your income is unlimited, flexible time and you are your own Boss". Is life insurance agent a businessman???
I know of an entrepreneur that owns a chain of hotels. As a businessman (owner of hotels) - he have 2 main source of income from hotels. The first main income is from renting hotel rooms to customers. This is business revenue. The second main income is derived from capital appreciation of his hotel buildings and land. Business Assets are much more valuable than Business Revenues.
Buildings and lands purchased over a period of time appreciate significantly in value. A Businessman have the following options on his own business assets
1: Hire CEO (Managers) to manage the chain of hotels
2: Appoint his Children to manage the chain of hotels
3: Sell his chain of hotels
Life insurance agency members are perceived by life insurers to be "businessman". As a businessman - the first main income are commissions & overridings. Business Assets of the Life insurance agency members would consist of his policyholders, agents, unit managers and agency managers. However, in the event an agency manager - passed away, suffers total & permanent disability or suffers critical illnesses - he is not able to do the followings:-
1: Hire CEO (Managers) to manage his agency
2: Appoint his Children to manage his agency
3: Sell his agency
Creating Business Assets in Life Insurance Agency is not impossible. Such agency model have long been operating in developed countries like USA and Europe. Even developing countries like India and China offer similar opportunity. Fortunately, there is a growing awareness plus a minority of Malaysian agency members migrating to an alternative agency model that offers them an opportunity to build Business Assets in addition to Business Revenues.
Take 2 scenarios. If our Government were to offer Ahmad and Ali a piece of land each. Ahmad is awarded a TOL (Temporary Occupation Land) over 30 years. Ahmad has to return this TOL to the government at the end of the term. Ali is awarded a permanent freehold land.
Ahmad will develop his land based on the presumptions that it is temporary. He will probably invest the minimum ie planting cash crop like water-melon, sugar-cane, banana etc. This is similar to our existing traditional agency model where agency leaders are not able to build up his/her Business Assets thus discouraged him/her from building a long-term permanent business.
Ali will probably invest his resources on a more permanent basis like building, factory etc. Agency Leaders - must evolve to attract talented entrepreneurs to join our business. Offer talented Entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop and own his/her own permanent land - ie Business Assets.
Takaful Rules, 2012 would make Pakistan the second country after Indonesia to officially allow takaful windows, which enable firms to offer Shariah-compliant and conventional products side by side, provided client money is segregated
After a long spell of public silence over the recently introduced rules for Islamic insurance, or Takaful, in Pakistan, one of the five Takaful companies has finally gone public in its criticism of the policy revision that will allow conventional insurance companies to set up parallel windows for Islamic insurance operations.
All Takaful companies had boycotted the ceremony held in July where the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) Chairman Muhammad Ali officially announced the promulgation of the Takaful Rules, 2012.
While Takaful companies refused to speak to the media on this issue, they went to court against the revised rules which, they claimed, would distort the Takaful businesses in Pakistan by letting conventional insurance companies conduct it in a manner “against the principles of Shariah.” Subsequently, on August 2, the Sindh High Court restrained the SECP from implementing the new rules.
“Insurance companies, by using their existing corporate structure and branch network for Takaful windows, will actually crush current Takaful operators,” Hasan said. He added that the prospective new entrants will take undue advantage of the low cost of entry in the wake of the new laws by setting up Takaful windows. “It is like letting somebody join a race just a few steps away from the finishing line.”
The Takaful Rules, 2005, which governed the Islamic insurance sector in Pakistan before the promulgation of the new rules, did not allow conventional insurance companies to sell Takaful products. Currently, there are two family Takaful and three general Takaful companies in Pakistan. As for the conventional insurance sector, seven life insurance and 30 non-life insurance companies are operating in Pakistan.
Takaful operators collected Rs3.3 billion in gross premiums in 2011, which is equal to 2.8% of the gross premiums of Rs119.7 billion that conventional insurance firms received in the same period.
“The growth rate of Takaful is good. However, we still have a long way to go. In a country with the insurance penetration of 0.4% of the gross domestic product (GDP) after 65 years of its birth, a lot still remains to be done. We have little tendency to save,” he said.
Premiums of Takaful companies grew at an average of 91.6% year-on year between 2006 and 2011. In contrast, the average annual growth rate of conventional insurance companies over the same period was a modest 16.5%.
“Conventional insurers must set up full-fledge Takaful entities (as subsidiaries) while satisfying the minimum paid-up capital requirement to be decided by the SECP,” Hasan said. He added that all the other requirements that existing Takaful players had to meet must be satisfied by any new player entering the Takaful segment. “No shortcuts should be allowed.”
In an interview with The Express Tribune last month, State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan Chairman Shahid Aziz Siddiqi had indicated that his company – which is the largest player in life insurance in the country with over Rs293 billion in total assets by the end of 2011 – was likely to launch Islamic insurance products by setting up a Takaful window within a year.
“Those who are called ‘giants’ may be so, but in their own industry, which is conventional insurance. Only time will tell who the giant in the Takaful segment is,” Hasan said in an apparent reference to State Life’s plans to enter the Islamic insurance segment.
“Their commitment will simply be with those products/businesses which seem profitable, irrespective of whether they are Shariah-complaint or not,” he said