Monday, February 27, 2012

Meaning Of Integrity

A man, without his word, is nothing. In the business world and in your personal life, the same rules apply. In the corporate world, you should never be in a situation where you've let someone down because you should never promise anything in the first place. It's a business, not a freaking charity.

Don't mince words
I hate "cafones" or Wigglers that wiggle around a question that puts them on the spot. You ask him something and he'll say: "I don't know, maybe. I'll find out. We'll see." It's either yes or no.

The same principle follows when you make a promise. When you say "I promise" or "you have my word," it's a done deal. Period. You do as promised. That's it, that's all.
Only a stupid man would give his word or promise something he knows he can't deliver. The dumb wiggler who puts himself in this situation eventually has to lie and BS his way out of his promise to save face, but it's too late. In the eyes of the person he let down, his word means nothing now. It's like respect and trust; it takes a lifetime to get and it takes only one stupid move to lose it.

Give your word when you mean it
When you promise something, the other person must assume it's a done deal. Your word should be like currency. It's money in the bank for someone who is counting on it. That being said, you shouldn't dole it out over everything and anything, or it will lose its value. Because your word is like currency, you must give it only when the occasion is important enough to call for it. The person you are promising something to must be able to recognize that your promise has value. You don't give money out to every Tony, Dino and Nick do you? Why do the same with your word?

Admit when you can't do it
When you are faced with a situation that demands something of you (whether it's a favor, a contact, doing some job), and you know you can't deliver, admit it. Tell them you don't believe in false promises and bluffs. It's simple. Don't wiggle or skirt the issue. If, in the end, you can make good on whatever was asked of you, it will only make you look better in the eyes of the other person.

Fulfill your promise 100%
The first time you are asked for an important favor in which you must give your word, make sure you give it your 100% effort. First impressions count. I learn a lot about a man after I ask him for a favor. If he keeps his promise fully and completely without any hint of an excuse or hesitation, he has gained my respect. He set the tone properly from day one. So make sure you have the story straight on that first favor. You don't want to be calling back whoever you've made a promise to with questions two days later.

Never go back on your word
Even if you've been screwed over more times than a one-legged prostitute, you should never back down from your word. I don't care if you don't trust your own shadow. If you are in a situation where you have promised something, you do it. Period.

If you ask, assume it's done
Don't go busting chops on someone who promised you something either. Unless you have reason to doubt the person, when someone gives you his word, assume it's a done deal. If it isn't, you get over it in the moment and deal with it later. Hopefully, you know some background on this guy. You should know better than to ask a favor from a guy who is shadier than an oak tree.

A promise is a promise
There is no such thing as different degrees of promise. Either you do or you don't. This counts for the little things too. Either you are going to your friend's baby's baptism or you are not. You are either going to be there at 10 p.m. or you are not. Either you are going to give a guy a promotion or you are not. Capisce ?

Keep your rep intact
Keeping your word can save your reputation and even your life. If you are the type of guy whose word is truly golden, your reputation will reflect that. People will come to respect and trust you. There may be a day where you have to call up that ace. The day you owe someone money, or you screwed up, you might have to call upon your golden word to "promise to fix the problem." If your word has the value of used tissue, you are a dead man. If your word is respected, you might be allowed to fix whatever mess you've gotten yourself into. It's especially in situations like these that you should never break your promise.

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