Saturday, August 24, 2013

Climbing Corporate Ladder

1. Ask questions instead of making a statement

When you lead in with a question you give someone the opportunity to immediately disagree with you. Instead, put your idea out there first. Be courageous about the thing you most want to achieve and make everyone understand it. Eg: I strongly think we should implement this strategy and here are three reasons why.

2. Avoid negotiation

Good negotiation is a communication. Go into every negotiation knowing exactly what you want to come out with. Don't be afraid to promote your value and your worth. Be clear, upfront and decisive.

3. Tolerate jerks

We often put up with someone or a situation far longer than we should. Do this for too long and we run the risk of exploding. You don't have to be unkind to the person who treats you badly; you just have to set boundaries. Be honest about how much you can achieve and offer the person choices. For example, "I am happy to do that for you but with the resources I have available it will take me this much time".

4. Act like a financial ostrich

We often say "I don't need to be rich I just want to be comfortable". That's usually because we separate the idea of doing good work and getting paid well. You need to aim for having enough money to live your life the way you want, free from concerns about anything. Also, always keep your hand in the money pot at home. Know exactly how much money comes in and comes out. You always need to know what's going on.

5. Forgetting that you have to compete to win

Aim high. True workplace gains are made on the edge of the boundaries. Learn the rules of your organisation and look beyond them if you want to succeed.

6. Perfect perfection

Know when good enough is good enough. Don't fuss over something. Get it out, get it done and move on.

7. Volunteering

Don't offer to organise anything that has a low pay-off for you either professionally or personally. Only volunteer for things that are close to your heart or high profile. Any work you do must get you in front of the decision makers.

8. Over-explain

As an adult there is no reason for you to justify why you need something. We often try and fill the silences with apologies to soften our message. Don't do that. Use an economy of words. Example: I need to take Friday off for personal reasons. If you need anything done before then please let me know and I will arrange to take care of it.

Also, engage more in active listening.

9. The tiara syndrome

Don't expect praise for your work. Always present a business case for what you want and what you set out to achieve. Don't just expect to be handed a tiara for your efforts.

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