Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Medical Insurance

Five most common medical insurance exemptions.

1) Pre-existing conditions
More formally, a pre-existing condition is a medical condition that has occurred before the insured person began his/her medical insurance coverage. Pre-existing conditions are not covered by all medical insurance companies. So for example, if you were diagnosed with a terminal heart condition today and decided to sign up for medical insurance tomorrow then your heart condition would be considered a pre-exisiting condition and will not be covered by the insurance company.

2) Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery is generally considered an optional medical procedure and not a life-saving one. Medical insurance companies only cover conditions where medical attention is absolutely necessary and not situations where surgery is a luxury and/or can be entirely avoided.

3) Any claims within 30 days
Medical insurance companies normally have a so called “waiting period” at the start of your coverage where you cannot make any claims whatsoever. The period usually lasts around 30 days from the time that your coverage has begun. However, depending on the company, the time period may fluctuate. The sole purpose of this rule is to protect the company from fraudulent claims by insured candidates who may have lied about pre-exisiting conditions in their application forms. There are exception to the “30 day rule” due to accident - for example, any incidences involving accidental injury is still be covered by some medical insurance packages.

4) Dental trips
Dentals are normally not covered by your medical insurance company. Exception to the exclusion is incidences due to accident and where dental visit is deemed necessary. Though there is one clear exception to this rule, if the surgery pertains to a major medical condition such as an infected wisdom tooth or serious gum disease, then your medical insurance company might cover the cost.

5) Claims made while breaking the law
Normally, medical insurance does not offer coverage injured in event you are breaking the law.
Medical insurance companies are designed to be there to cover you in your time of need, like when you get hurt or sick under accidental circumstances.

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