Friday, March 27, 2015

Tips For Leadership

When you take on a managerial or executive position, one of the first things you'll likely want to do is work on honing your leadership skills. But there's more to becoming a great leader than attending a manager training session, or sending team emails to make sure everyone is doing their job. You can build leadership skills with small but effective actions every day. Here are seven simple habits and practices to help you guide your team better.

Stay up-to-date on industry trends. When you're passionate about your job, you want to do everything you can to get better at it, and bring your company up with you. Keeping on top of ever-evolving industry trends is one way to show your dedication — and lead your employees toward that same passion.

Spend some quality time with your staff. You know the names and job functions of your team members, but do you really know who they are as people? Getting to know your staff on a personal level will not only help them feel more valued, but help you manage them better, too.

Try something new. The best leaders are those who can think outside the box. William Vanderbloemen, CEO and president of Vanderbloemen Search Group, advised taking on a task you don't normally do, preferably one you've never tried before, to help out your company and your team.

"People who show an ability to anticipate a company's needs and find an answer even before being asked a question are people who get promoted," Vanderbloemen said."Leaders should ask themselves, 'What can I do to further our company that isn't in my job description?' The skills learned in figuring out a project and carrying it through to completion will go a long way toward leadership development and career advancement."

Learn from your team. As every good leader knows, being in charge doesn't mean having all the answers. One way to find those answers is taking direction from the people you manage.

"Drawing [leadership] insights ... means getting in the trenches and learning from the experts on my team," said Joe Freitag, global brand director of eyewear retailer Arnette. "[I see] how they achieve top-level results and ask them to teach me what they know. Their approach to a topic that is foreign to me helps me open my view and see my own challenges in a different light."

Analyze your mistakes. At some point, every leader is going to make a mistake or two. Rather than try to ignore it or cover it up, it's better to sit down with your team members and talk through the situation so you — and everyone else — can learn and grow from it.

"[Ask yourself,]What was my thought process in making that decision? Why didn't it result with the outcome I thought it would? What can I do in the future to adjust and end with a different result?" said Brian Ruben, co-founder of Solé Bicycles. "Discussing this openly with your team shows [that] you are not above or better than anyone and breeds a positive attitude and environment that encourages personal and professional growth."

Mentor someone. Regardless of whether you hold a leadership position, you likely have been — or will be — asked for professional advice from a younger, less-experienced friend or colleague. You may not develop a formal mentorship, but pay close attention to the conversations you have with these individuals: They might help you become a better leader.

"Prior to leading teams and eventually starting a company, I had the opportunity to mentor younger family friends," said Doug Baldasare, founder and CEO of phone-charging kiosk provider ChargeItSpot. "Those individuals may have been considering a career switch, applying to grad school or looking for their first job. Coaching them through it helped me to understand the interpersonal nuances of leadership and gave me the confidence to help guide others as I grew in my career."

Get out of the office. Becoming a better leader doesn't only happen in the confines of day-to-day business. Sometimes what you do "off the clock" can translate pretty well into your professional leadership role.

"Show leadership in as many other parts of your life as possible," said Chris Toy, founder of group chat app Bindle. "Volunteer to cook dinner for friends, organize parties [or] take control of your flag football team. Like anything, practice makes perfect."

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