Advice from well-meaning family and friends - Many are sucked into investments scams because a trusted friend or family member told them about it. Unfortunately, in these cases, word of mouth referrals can do more harm than good simply because these scams rely on you to invest solely on blind faith. It’s tricky. If you cross-question them about their investments being a possible scam, they’ll insist it’s not and say, “Of course it’s not a scam, it’s worked for me!”
Cult-ish - Be wary of job advertisements or investment talks that require you attend a “seminar” to learn more about it. This is the modus operandi – you’ll receive vague emails telling you to present yourself at a particular venue. You’ll ask them what it entails only to receive vague replies in return. You attend out of curiosity only to find that there’s a stage at the end of the room where person after person hops on to tell the audience how a particular product “changed my life forever”. While not all of these are scams, enough of them are – so practise caution before signing up.
Multi-Level Marketing (MLMs) - Not all MLMs are Ponzi schemes, but all Ponzi schemes are MLMs. On that point alone, you must tread carefully. The network of people in MLMs are pretty cult-ish too. They’ll tell you it’s easy but it isn’t. They’ll tell you there’s loads of profit to be made but you will have to fork out large amounts of cash upfront to purchase their “starter kits”, then sell products they tell you people definitely need. Bear in mind, every product is overpriced.
Conclusion - If an investment looks too good to be true, avoid it at all costs. What’s a more realistic return when it comes to investments?
• Medium risk at 0-50% per year: Property (the risk depends on location and luck), normal stocks, exchange traded funds (ETFs). This is a very wide category.
• High risk – unlimited returns every year: Penny stocks, Bitcoin. There is a huge risk as you could very well never see your money again.
• Die: Ponzi schemes, random investments
If any investment promises returns of 10% or more a year, research the heck out of it. The only “safe” investments are low risk investments. If you are interested in medium or high risk investments, only invest what you can afford to lose.
Article by - Suraya - website Ringgit Oh Ringgit.