Friday, July 12, 2024

PESOS Training Module

PESOS is particularly suited to clients who have a strong need for hands-on experience when learning, or who might be more analytical by nature and like to have something empirical to hang on to, rather than a more illustrative or imaginative approach.

PREPARE: The coach needs to prepare by identifying the client’s need, and gaining an understanding of what behavioural changes might be required to address this need; also preparation of any materials that might be necessary or useful to gain the desired outcomes.

EXPLAIN: The coach will now explain to the client that they are now going to demonstrate (SHOW) certain behaviours or behavioural patterns. The objective is to give the client a clear understanding of the issues and behaviours that are being addressed before they see the demonstration.

SHOW: The coach now demonstrates the skill or behaviour required, as previously explained.

OBSERVE: The client attempts to replicate the demonstration they have observed, while the coach makes notes to be used in feedback.

SUPERVISE & SUPPORT: The coach provides feedback on how the client’s performance compares to the explanation and demonstration. At this stage it is as much about building the client’s confidence in their ability – or eventual ability – to employ these behaviours as it is about the actual replication of the behaviours. If it is appropriate, then at this stage it is possible to provide ideas for future development.

This model might be particularly useful in a situation such as when working with a person of a highly analytical nature who exhibits poor interpersonal communication skills, but perhaps lacks the ability to see the effects that this behaviour pattern might have on others.

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