Puppy was borned an ordinary dog in an ordinary home by his ordinary parent. Everything about Puppy was plain ordinary until Puppy attended a Positive Mental Attitude Training conducted by Dr. Robbie William.
Puppy started to dream big and embraced challenges to be extra-ordinary. Puppy aimed to be the first puppy to walk across the Sahara desert. He started training to strengthen his physical body and indulged in yoga to build up his mental superiority. He was ready after 12 grueling months.
Puppy needed critical funds to finance this stunt and he was successful to acquire sponsor from Nike, Coca Cola, Toyota, Fitness World, Forbes and Singapore Airline. All friends, relatives, family members, supporters and more importantly – the media world (CNN, BBC, The Star, New Straits Times, Fox) were at the fringe of Sahara desert to flag-off Puppy.
Puppy was proud and jubilant – waving to the immense crowds that had gathered. Puppy flipped the hover-bag (containing foods, water and medicines) unto its back, looked at the crowd and raised his hand in one final goodbye. He then took off without looking back.
One week, two weeks, three weeks – later – there was absolutely no news from Puppy. His parent was curious and anxious. They hired a helicopter and went out in search for Puppy. Several hours later – they spotted Puppy but lying motionless. They quickly grounded the helicopter and rushed to Puppy’s side. Unfortunately Puppy was dead.
They bundled Puppy’s body into the helicopter, headed for University Malaya Hospital where a post mortem was immediately conducted by the nation’s top 3 physicians. The physicians spent 12 hours conducting the post mortem and finally emerged from the operating theatre. They quickly called for a press conference to announce their diagnosis that leads to Puppy’s death.
All friends, relatives, family members, supporters and the media world (CNN, BBC, The Star, New Straits Times, Fox) were present -waiting and curious. Everyone was speculating - what could have cause Puppy’s death despite his excellent physical and mental health. Was he bitten by poisonous snake or scorpion, mauled by wild animals, dehydration from the sun or robbed and murdered by thieves.
Finally – the 3 top physicians announced their findings. Puppy’s bladder had exploded and killed him – he had not urinated since he stepped into the desert.
There was no water hydrant in the desert and Puppy could not break his old habit when peeing. He needed to lift his right rear leg and aimed at a water hydrant as a precondition to him peeing.
The only thing that is constant is change. In a dynamic world – leaders must accept and adapt to change to be successful.
Puppy started to dream big and embraced challenges to be extra-ordinary. Puppy aimed to be the first puppy to walk across the Sahara desert. He started training to strengthen his physical body and indulged in yoga to build up his mental superiority. He was ready after 12 grueling months.
Puppy needed critical funds to finance this stunt and he was successful to acquire sponsor from Nike, Coca Cola, Toyota, Fitness World, Forbes and Singapore Airline. All friends, relatives, family members, supporters and more importantly – the media world (CNN, BBC, The Star, New Straits Times, Fox) were at the fringe of Sahara desert to flag-off Puppy.
Puppy was proud and jubilant – waving to the immense crowds that had gathered. Puppy flipped the hover-bag (containing foods, water and medicines) unto its back, looked at the crowd and raised his hand in one final goodbye. He then took off without looking back.
One week, two weeks, three weeks – later – there was absolutely no news from Puppy. His parent was curious and anxious. They hired a helicopter and went out in search for Puppy. Several hours later – they spotted Puppy but lying motionless. They quickly grounded the helicopter and rushed to Puppy’s side. Unfortunately Puppy was dead.
They bundled Puppy’s body into the helicopter, headed for University Malaya Hospital where a post mortem was immediately conducted by the nation’s top 3 physicians. The physicians spent 12 hours conducting the post mortem and finally emerged from the operating theatre. They quickly called for a press conference to announce their diagnosis that leads to Puppy’s death.
All friends, relatives, family members, supporters and the media world (CNN, BBC, The Star, New Straits Times, Fox) were present -waiting and curious. Everyone was speculating - what could have cause Puppy’s death despite his excellent physical and mental health. Was he bitten by poisonous snake or scorpion, mauled by wild animals, dehydration from the sun or robbed and murdered by thieves.
Finally – the 3 top physicians announced their findings. Puppy’s bladder had exploded and killed him – he had not urinated since he stepped into the desert.
There was no water hydrant in the desert and Puppy could not break his old habit when peeing. He needed to lift his right rear leg and aimed at a water hydrant as a precondition to him peeing.
The only thing that is constant is change. In a dynamic world – leaders must accept and adapt to change to be successful.
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