Sunday, June 6, 2010

Leadership: Supervisor or Dictator

A SUPERVISOR, is a person, in charge of other people, who makes sure, that he knows what is on the minds of the people he has authority over. He knows, for a fact, that without the support of the people under him, nothing of any importance will ever be accomplished.

Even though he is in charge, he wants the willing cooperation of those he will be supervising. He knows that even the most junior person in his organization is an important part of the over all operation of what they all are trying to accomplish. He knows that if he does not take into consideration the ideas and feelings of those he has authority over, these subordinates will not be so willing to go along with his leadership. He knows that even though he in charge of operations, that his job is no more important than anybody else's job.

Everybody's job is important, no matter how lowly some jobs seem to be. If you think I am kidding you, just try to get along without janitors and garbage collectors for a while, and you will see what I am talking about.

A DICTATOR, is a person, in charge of other people, who makes sure, that the people he has authority over, know what is on HIS mind. A dictator is a person, on nothing more that an EGO TRIP. He doesn't give a damn what his subordinates think about anything except carrying out his orders regardless of their feelings, ideas, etc.

Dictators are self absorbed and are motivated primarily by self interest rather than the interest of anyone else. The only input that he wants from others would be along the lines of his own ideas, and loves to be surrounded by yes-men and yes-women.

Sooner or later, dictators are always overthrown, because the people under them, cannot forever suppressed the desire to live their own lives, to be free from a power that does not give them the freedom to be an intelligent and open contributor to the operation, to which they are a part.

The difference between the two powers above is the reason why, down through history, dictators and centrally controlled governments, eventually fail because, sooner or later, people will rise up and demand their right to be HEARD.

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