Monday, August 22, 2011


In a recent incident in a leading Italian restaurant in Bangsar, two tycoons (both Tan Sris), came in with a horde of bodyguards and were miffed to find that there was no private room available to them. They then refused to pay corkage for the wine they brought with them although the restaurant had invested in an extensive collection of wines.

The restaurant, to their credit, refused to budge on this policy and the two big shots rather than exit with their tails between their legs, reluctantly agreed.

At the end of their meal, in spite of being told that it was a non-smoking area, both insisted on lighting up a pair of gigantic cigars (possibly compensation for some sexual inadequacy) in the dining room. Again, to their utter dismay, the restaurant would not allow them to do so and suggested they go to the bar below where they could continue their discussions on their deals and the possible union of their respective children.

The two left vowing never to return to that fine restaurant that only insisted on adhering to long standing policies. Good riddance, I say. Such people are a burden to society and we should be shamed by the inordinate respect given to these titled rogues.

Anyone know the name of this restaurant: We whould give them a big award - for their courage and standing-up to top-dog.

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