Sunday, November 2, 2014

Closing A Deal

Closing lines: They can be a little cheesy, sometimes unnecessary and most times overly dramatic. But they've also worked -- on some occasions -- to help close sales and gain clients. Of course, in reality, you're not "closing" a sale, but opening a relationship once that prospect signs up for a policy.

And while there is no "best" way to close a sale, and no one closing line is a fit for each prospect, some of the following helped agents turn the other individual in the room from prospect to client.
Take a look at some of the best closing lines out there and please, let us know what sales techniques you feel work best.

1. "Just one more thing"
This is a line made famous by the 1970s classic TV detective, Columbo. He often used this line when he was done questioning suspects. Straight-faced, he would head for the door, seemingly ending the interrogation. But he would pause just before exiting the room, turn, glare at the suspect and say, "Just one more thing."

Whatever followed that phrase would pack an incredible punch and leave the suspect deep in thought. The tables were turned, the suspect is weakened and Columbo, at this point, usually gained the upper hand.

When prospects are being sold to, they naturally have their guard up. When they feel the sales process is coming to a close and they are no longer being "sold to," they let their guard down. This is when the agent or advisor should say the most powerful thing in his or her arsenal of lines. "Just one more thing...your family depends on you."

2. "Level with me"
To some, this phrase may seem a bit too aggressive. To others, maybe it's not aggressive enough. Let's face it, you are selling protection and financial security to your prospect and their family.
This phrase, like the aforementioned line, should be used towards the end of your meeting. For example, as you approach the end of the selling process and the customer says he wants to think about it, ask him to get to the point: “Level with me. Have I failed to show you the value that you will receive from your investment?” Then be quiet.

Inevitably, the prospect will see that you are selling him something of value. You are selling him protection. You are selling him something his family needs. 

3. "You can put a price on anything, except a good night's sleep"
Sure, sure, it's one of the more cheesy closing lines in existence, but this saying is true. Life insurance agents and financial advisors are selling products that allow for their clients to have peace of mind. And, as we know, peace of mind usually aids in a good night's sleep.
You, as an agent or advisor, are selling client's a good night's sleep. Not one person you meet should be able to tell you that there's no way they would be able to rest better, knowing their family was taken care of should something happen to them. If they are, in fact, able to tell you this, then maybe that's not to type of client you want.

4. "Could this be a benefit to your family?"
This one is pretty self-explanatory. A prospect's answer to this should always be "yes" because life insurance would undoubtedly benefit a family in need. And with that answer, they've pretty much sold a policy to themselves.

Just ask the question: "Could a check for 500,000 be of use if your husband/wife passes away?"

5. How much would you be willing to spend to make sure your family is taken care of?
This question could elicit a range of responses, but usually, if a prospect gives a specific dollar amount, it winds up being much less than the price of a monthly premium on a life insurance policy.

The point of this line is to refute the widespread assumption that life insurance is too expensive for the average Malaysian household. Indeed, people are usually shocked when they learn how affordable it actually is.

This line, like many of the above, could be used at any time during a meeting with a prospect. But it may work best if saved until the end of a pitch going nowhere. Before leaving, ask, "How much would you be willing to spend per month on a [insert dollar amount] life insurance policy?"

The prospect's possible response: "Right now I can only afford an additional [insert low dollar amount] in monthly expenses."

And your response: "That's great because we have [insert product name] that is only [insert amount lower or equal to prospects number] per month and will provide your family with [amount of pay out] in the event of your death."

It's hard to say no to something affordable that can benefit those that depend on that prospect the most.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, an amazing Information dude. Thanks for sharing this nice information with us. Debtor Protect
