Saturday, November 11, 2017

Use Poison To Fight Poison

Muslim preacher Zamihan Mat Zin is unfit for the task of rehabilitating Islamic State militant detainees, says Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker. The MCA Religious Harmony Bureau chairman said the controversial preacher should be the first to be rehabilitated, adding that Zamihan should be replaced.   

"Zamihan's behaviour is evident that he does not understand the meaning of living in a multi-ethnic country. It was said that his expertise is to work and help deradicalise the militants, but I think we should hire someone else. Zamihan must not have direct contact with the militants because he himself is the problem. He himself must be cured first," Ti said.
Ti said Zamihan's statements and behaviour do not reflect that he is able to deradicalise militants and urged the Government not to defend Zamihan. He added that there are other experts in the country who are better suited for the job.
On Friday (Nov 10), Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Zamihan was conducting a rehabilitation programme for IS militants at the Tapah Prison in Perak.
Dr Ahmad Zahid, who is also Home Minister, said Zamihan's expertise was still needed in this area although the Selangor government prohibited him from giving ceramah (talks) in the state.

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