Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Phone And Drive

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The people who sell you auto insurance want to be that little voice in your head the next time you're driving and you think to reach for your cellphone. 
The US insurance industry is joining legislators, government agencies and others to address the danger and costs of distracted driving. The proliferation of cellphones, dashboard infotainment screens and other distractions has contributed to an increase in traffic accidents and deaths in recent years, according to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and that means more payouts for insurers. 
The Travelers Companies began a national campaign targeting distracted driving called Every Second Matters. It started this week with a forum at North Carolina State University. 
Image result for phone and drive"We're here because traffic accidents have a cost," said Michael Klein, a Travelers executive vice president. "And we're trying to find ways to prevent those accidents from happening in the first place." 
Joan Woodward, the executive vice president for public policy at Travelers, said distracted driving should be treated like drunk driving, which despite remaining a serious problem has become less acceptable over the years. The company released the results of a survey of 1,000 adults that found that nearly a quarter of them said they used cellphones or other electronic gadgets while driving, even as 78% said they agreed it was "very risky" behaviour. 
Other findings from the survey:
– People are far more likely to look at their cellphones while driving alone than if someone else is in the car.
– Being lost was the most common reason that drivers said they looked at their cellphones, followed closely by "reading text" or other notifications.
– About 30% said they rarely or never speak up when riding with a driver who uses a cellphone. 
Image result for phone and driveAubie Knight, CEO of Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina, said the trade group supports a bill in the state Legislature that would prohibit drivers from using phones – unless they are part of a hands-free system or resting in a cradle. The Brian Garlock Act, named for a Charlotte teenager who was killed in a crash in 2008 while trying to use his cellphone while driving, has languished since it was introduced in 2015. 
Knight noted that while it has been illegal to text and drive in North Carolina since 2009, law enforcement officers say it's difficult to enforce the ban while people are still allowed to hold their phones to talk on them. 
Jenny Burke of the National Safety Council, a private nonprofit organization, says studies show that hands-free phone calls are just as distracting as talking with a phone to your ear. And, Burke said, in-dash screens that include maps, online music systems and access to the Internet have emerged as new sources of hands-free distractions. 
The basic problem, Burke said, is multitasking by drivers. People feel compelled to be doing something else while they're driving, whether it's answering a text, eating lunch or putting on their makeup. 
"You are not focusing on the road," she said. "You are focusing on all these other things you're trying to get done."

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